Elie H. Abouaoun

September 28, 2017

Iraq Danger Grows After Kurdistan Independence Vote

Iraqi political leaders in Baghdad and Erbil, the Kurdistan regional capital, have escalated their rhetoric this week, as Kurdish officials reported 92 percent approval of the Sept. 25 nonbinding vote on independence for the region. The verbal volleys and intensifying actions risk triggering another outbreak of violent conflict.
June 30, 2017

Will ‘Array of Wars’ Persist in Iraq and Syria After ISIS?

USIP’s Elie Abouaoun, Robin Wright, Mona Yacoubian in Facebook Live Discussion.
May 17, 2017

Can Trump Revive Saudi Peace and Anti-Terror Role?

the Saudi role in the region’s military conflicts and the extremist threat on its own turf.
April 7, 2017

Q&A: Will U.S. Strikes on Syria Change Conflict’s Course?

The United States launched its first air strikes against forces backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad since the country’s civil war began six years ago,
March 26, 2017

The US should not just watch North Africa slip into chaos

Curbing US involvement abroad was a signal campaign promise of the new US adminis­tration. Anything that smacked of nation-building drew the sharpest criticism.
February 24, 2017

How Iran May Use Iraq to Deflect New U.S. Pressure

Iraq’s grinding war to dislodge the Islamic State from its last Iraqi strongholds has obscured a simmering — and in some respects equally important — political battle in Baghdad.
November 2, 2016

Can Lebanon’s New President Defuse Major Crises?

The Lebanese Parliament’s selection this week of General Michel Aoun as president ends 2 ½ years of a leadership vacuum that mired decision-making on fundamental economic, social and political crises facing Lebanon.
October 26, 2016

ماذا يفعل السياسيون اليوم بينما يتحضر العماد عون للعودة الى قصر بعبدا

وليد جنبلاط: يبحث عن أرشبفه الخاص لأعوام 1982-1988 ليلقن تيمور بعض المفاهيم التاريخية الخاصة بنعت رئيس جمهورية لبنان بعبارات التشبيه بعيدي أمين دادا أو بوكاسا.
May 27, 2016

أزمة اللاجئين بين التزامات لبنان وهاجس التوطين

May 3, 2016

بيروت مدينتي ما لها و ما عليها

تكثر التعليقات حول مبادرة "بيروت مدينتي". و في حمى الانتخابات تكاد لا تجد الا من يؤيد المبادرة حتى الموت أو من ينعتها بأبشع الصفات.
February 8, 2016

It is not too late to renounce violence and think creatively of a win-win solution

The region today faces riddles that go even beyond the fate of Assad, ISIS and other terrorist groups. It's time for a new approach, Dr. Elie Abouaoun writes.

January 23, 2016

Comments on the agreement between Michel Aoun and Samir Geagea

A friend asked me why I did not comment on the recent “reconciliation” between Aoun and Geagea. My answer was that there is no “reconciliation”

January 16, 2016

Comments on the article: The Ottoman Empire

In December 2015, the Economist published an article about the Ottoman Empire and how the remaining offspring of the then Caliph looks at the behavior of the “Caliphate”.

January 8, 2016

Peace Building in the Middle East

2015 was the year of the further disastrous turn in the Syrian civil war, and the year of the rise of the terror state ISIS. As 2016 begins, what are the prospects, amidst the air strikes, terror and counter-terror attempts, and city-by-city militia battles, for peacemaking in the terror-afflicted states of the Middle East and North Africa?